Thursday, 26 February 2015

Back in the world

I'm back, from nearly a month of feeling absolutely rotten.

Sickness hit me and my husband, annoyingly at almost the same time. I'd been fighting off a virus for a while, but it just wouldn't shift. Then it went and took up residence in my chest. Three courses of antibiotics, a chest X-ray, and two blood tests later, and I can breathe nicely again. It got so bad I couldn't even take my son to school. It got to the point when we thought we just weren't going to get better. It sounds so silly I know, but it got quite scary. I knew it was bad when the GP rang me to come in for an appointment.

I am never going to take my lovely lungs for granted again. I never want to feel like that again.

And, what made it worse - I couldn't even knit! I did manage a bit of crochet after a couple of weeks, though, which saved my sanity. I have finished my wavy blanket! Hooray!

It is a great length, and has kept me very cozy as I have been recuperating.

I cannot take full credit for it though - it was heavily inspired by Vanessa at Coco Rose Diaries. This is her blanket.

Her version is a little more sedate, (and beautifully photographed). I got a bit carried away with a few garish colours, but I'm just so glad I have actually finished it.

My granny stripe is almost done, too, and I have made some progress on a cushion cover (above it). At the top is my Clamshell blanket from Cherry Heart. That is still a long way from finished, but it's a fun pattern to work, and I love the colours I chose.

I have to make a confession. I have broken my New Year's Resolutions completely now - I had the overwhelming urge to cast on a new project once I started feeling better.

Can you guess what it is?

Image courtesy of V&A

It's Your Victory Jumper. I can't believe I haven't made it yet, but I thought it just the right time to get started, so that it will be ready for the 70th anniversary of VE day in May.

I'm using a vintage wool for it, too, Patons Beehive Fingering 3 ply. I'm quite excited. It's a really bright navy blue. I haven't a red or white 3 ply, but I am using Cygnet 4 ply in red, which is a very fine 4 ply, quite the match of the Beehive. I had to make do with a 4 ply in white, too, (Jaegar baby merino). I just couldn't justify buying ANY MORE WOOL. It seems to be fine, not changing the tension. Phew. I'm increasing at the moment, and will keep an eye on the width, as I don't want too much positive ease.

On a related note, I am also happy to be better for the opening of a new exhibition at the Imperial War Museum - Fashion on the Ration. It opens next week, and I'm hoping to go if not on the first day, then soon after. I think I should wear my knitted dress, as it perfectly illustrates the make-do-and-mend spirit of the war. And it is my favourite knitted.

Image courtesy of Susan Crawford

I'd hope to see some knitwear, but I haven't seen any on the website. Hmmm...

Last Sunday, I DJed at a great dance club, Mouth Full O' Hotcha. I didn't think I would be well enough, but it was SO good to get out of the house. My husband came too, which was lovely. Two inches of makeup, a headscarf to cover the 'natural', (i.e. frizzy), look of my perm, and I was ready to go. Wearing a knitted jumper of course.

It was back to the shellac. The dance instructors Paul Crook and Louise Holland run a beginners Balboa dance class at the start, then it's social dancing for the rest of the afternoon.

Paul Crook and Louise Holland
with Swing Maniac on the decks

I hadn't played 78s out for quite a while, so it was great playing for dancers again, as well as having a whirl around the dancefloor with my hubby. I was slightly taken aback when someone asked if I was actually playing my own records! It wouldn't be the first time someone has tapped me on the shoulder while I've been queueing up a record, to ask me if I can get the DJ, (a guy in my general vicinity), to play a request. And that time it was a woman.

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